Do my habits support my goals?
It seems to me we all have a story for why we are not where we want to be in life. What story have you convinced yourself of that is keeping you from forming habits that will help you achieve your goals? For me, not long ago, it was my busy schedule. I had convinced myself, as a mom of 4 active kids, working full time that I couldn't possibly find time to write, workout, find a more fulfilling job, cook healthier meals, get the laundry done etc. Our lives are made of stories and the most important ones are the ones we tell ourselves on a daily basis.. I will never be able to run a 5k, I am not smart enough for the job of my dreams, I don't have time to write, I will never feel comfortable in my own skin, I can start eating better tomorrow.. If you cannot relate at all to the idea of self defeating speak I would suggest you not continue reading. You either have it all together or you are not open minded enough to hear the hard truths that are still to come.
If not now, when? haven't we all heard the saying
"It's now or never" "We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are" "Change your thoughts and change the world" Here are just a few sayings that we have all read, pinned, posted and upon reading these we convinced ourselves that this time, we really were ready. The truth is some of us were and yet still the larger group is reading this and wishing that they had already started their transformation. For me, it's a journey I will always be on, a bunch of little leaps that ultimately form the life I have always dreamed of, with the added benefit of reality which makes the dream all the more worth living.
Are you happy?
This is it. This is our one guaranteed opportunity to choose happiness. To put ourselves out there and stretch our limits. We don't have any certain timeline on life so if we are to have dreams that we wish to fulfill the time is now to stop simply wishing and move on with the doing. The time is now to find those extra minutes, to prioritize your happiness and to find what fills you up.
Here Goes Everything!
For me happiness is found in giving, and helping others. I have also been gifted with an ability to sell just about anything, you name it I could likely find a way to sell it. Recently I realized happiness in my career wasn't sitting at a cubicle taking orders while longingly staring out the window. I knew that someday, when the time was right, and when I was ready, my gifts would be able to serve a greater good. If I am going to spend more time at work than with my family I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. In less than two weeks, after over a decade in sales I will start working for a local Non Profit. I AM PETRIFIED. What happens if I am not good at fund raising? What if I don't bring in enough money to help people to be fed, get the proper dental care, have clothing to make it through the long cold/wet winter? There it is again the self defeating stories we tell ourselves. With a little prayer I will shake it off, pull my shoulders back and lay my heart out there, and with determination and love I will take on this challenge. Failure isn't an option, for the only true failure is in never having tried. I do believe my mother has said this more times than I can count. So, Here goes everything. Wish me luck.. and please take your own leap, even a small one. There is greater regret in never having tried, of this I am certain!
Hey Mindy, it's Shawnee. Thank you for all of theae, I closely relate to you and your situations it seems. Keep up the wonderful writing!